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item tem <br /> 16. Approximate date project expectev to begin (usually 19. Existing Feder-at ..:entification number if this Is not <br /> associated with estimated date of availability of a new request and directly reiates to a previous <br /> funding). Federal action.Othenvise write"NA". <br /> 17. Estimated number of months to complete project 20. Indic.—to Federal agency to which this request is 1 <br /> after Federal funds are available. addressed. Street address no, required, but do use <br /> ZIP. ! <br /> 18. Estimated date preapplication/application will be <br /> submitted to Federal agency if this project requires 21. Check appropriate box as to whEther Section IV of f <br /> clearinghouse review. If review not required, this form contains remarks and/or additional remarks <br /> date would usually be same as date in Item 2b. are attached. I' <br /> APPLICANT PROCEDURES FOR SECTION 11 <br /> Applicants will always complete items 23a, 23b, and 23c. If clearinghouse review is required, item 22b must be fully com- <br /> pleted.An explanation follows for each item: <br /> Item Item <br /> 22b. List clearinghouses to which submitted and show 23b. Self explanatory. r <br /> in appropriate blocks the status of their responses. <br /> For more than three clearinghouses, continue in <br /> remarks section. All written comments submitted 23c. Self explanatory. E <br /> by or through clearinghouses must be attached. <br /> 23a. Name and title of authorized representative of legal /Dote: Applicant completes only Sections I and II. Section <br /> applicant. Ili is completed by Federal agencies. <br /> FEDERAL AGENCY PROCEDURES FOR SECTION III <br /> If applicant-supplied information in Sections I and If needs no updating or adjustment to fit the final Federal action, the <br /> Federal agency will complete Section III only. An explanation for each item follows: <br /> Item Item <br /> 24. Executive department or independent agency having 35. Name and telephone no. of agency person who can <br /> program administration responsibility. provide more information regarding this assistance. <br /> 25. Self explanatory. 36. Date after which funds will no longer be available. <br /> 1 Primary organizational unit below department level 37. Check appropriate box as to whether Section IV of <br /> having direct program management responsibility. form contains Federal remarks and/or attachment <br /> of additional remarks. <br /> 27. Office directly monitoring the program. <br /> 28. Use to identifynon-award actions where Federal 38. For use with person <br /> action notices only. Name and <br /> telephone of person who can assure that appropri- <br /> grant identifier in item 30 is not applicable or will ate A-95 action has beer,taken—if same as person <br /> not suffice. shown in item 35, write "same". If not applicable, <br /> 29. Ccmplete address of administering office shown in write "NA". • <br /> item 26. <br /> 30. Use to identify award actions where different from Federal Agency Procedures—special considerations <br /> Federal application identifier in item 28. A. Treasury Circular 1082 compliance. Federal agency will <br /> 31. Self explanatory. Use remarks section to amplify assure proper completion of Sections I and Ill. If Section 1 <br /> where appropriate. is being completed by Federal agency,all applicable items <br /> must be filled in. Addresses of State Information Recep- <br /> 32. Amount to be contributed during the first funding/ tion Agencies(SCIRA's) are provided by Treasury Depart- <br /> budget period by each contributor. Value of in-kind ment to each agency. This form replaces SF 240, which <br /> contributions will be included. 1f the action is a will no longer be used. <br /> change in dollar amount of an existing grant(a revi• <br /> Sion or augmentation), indicate only file amount of B. OMB Circular A-95 compliance. Federal agency will as- <br /> change. For decreases, enclose the amount in pa- <br /> sure proper completion of Sections 1, 11,and III.This form <br /> rentheses. If both basic and supplemental amounts is required for notifying all reviewing clearinghouses of <br /> are included, breakout in remarks. For muttip!e pro- major actions on all programs reviewed under A-95. <br /> gram funding, use totals and show program break- Addresses of State and areawide clearinghouses are pro- <br /> outs in remarks. Item definitions: 32a, amount vided by CMB to each agency. Substantive differences <br /> awarded by Federal Government; 32b, amount ap• between applicant's request and/or clearinghouse recom- <br /> plicant will contribute; 32c, amount from State, if mendations, and the project as finally awarded will be <br /> applicant is not a State; 32d, amount from local explained in A-95 notifications to clearinghouses. <br /> government if applicant is not a local government: C. Special note. In most, but not all States, the A-95 State <br /> 32e, amount from any other sources, explain in clearinghouse and the (TC 1082) SCIRA are the same <br /> remarks. office. In such cases, the A-95 award notice to the State <br /> clearinghouse will fulfill the TC 1082 award notice re- <br /> 33. Date action was taken on this request quirement to the State SCIRA Duplicate notification <br /> ! 4. Date funds will become available. should be avoided. <br /> STANDARD FORM 424 PAGE 4 (10-75) <br /> 00-16—&-uW-1 arc <br />