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<br /> r. S LLT"' T'-T' CF ''T l: (�I i`- Cc 1 TtCIL CF `'F CIIY
<br /> Whereas , on the 9th day of August, 1955. i'r�e City Ccr.ncil
<br /> of City of Batesville, Ark. , direc".'ed that the City Engineer of the
<br /> City of Batesville, Arkansas, provide definite Metes and bot,nds
<br /> description, as to the location of Boswell Street between Block 18
<br /> and Block 19 of 1axfiedd1 - Second Pastern Ad ' tion to the City of
<br /> ;.Utesville , 1�rkansas, and whereas, John F. P2 rrow, City Engineer ,
<br /> has filed with the City Clerk, 1-_4j-s certific< e of the survey as
<br /> made , and his report ;
<br /> Whereas said City Council adopts in fL---11 the report of
<br /> �Irr the City Engineer, establ _shina location of said Boswell SFreet,
<br /> which description is given as follows :
<br /> "Boswell. Street, in 1axfield 's Second Eastern Addition to 4
<br /> the City of Batesville ,Arkansas, between Blocks Eighteen and Ninete n
<br /> liff said Addition, more parti(,ularly describe as that portion of
<br /> said Boswell Street between 22nd and 23rd St eets, as follows : A
<br /> stiip Fifty (50) feet in width north and south, the north line of
<br /> which is 490 feet so -th of the inside or north line of the sidwftlk
<br /> and widewalk extended on the north side of College Avenue between
<br /> 20th and 23rd Streets and running) on a magn tiavariation of five
<br /> degrees eas t, south 89 degrees and 33 minut s�r'om 22nd Street to
<br /> 23rd Street, and being an extension and prolongation of the present
<br /> Boswell Street as now laid out from 2.0th Street to 22nd Street, as
<br /> shown on the plat filed by the City Enginner "
<br /> Wherefore the City Council of the City of Batesville
<br /> declares the boindpries of Bosweh Streets, etween Block 18 and
<br /> Block 19 of the Tia field 's Second T�astern Addition to the City of
<br /> Batesville ,Arkansas, to be as above defined, and dtrect.s the Clerk
<br /> of the City of Batesville to file a certified copy of this resol-L ti n
<br />' M 0 with the Circuit Clerk and Recorder of Independence County,Arkansas
<br /> �a
<br /> ZD and also to have recorded with said Circuit lerk, the Certificate
<br /> 3
<br /> o and plat of the City Engineer of the City of Batesville , Ark. , as
<br /> 00 `r 7 C1 m
<br /> submitted herein.
<br /> M C.
<br /> A x' Roy Row, Mayor of City of ratesville ,
<br /> 3 C A
<br /> Adopted: August 23rd, 1955,
<br /> Certificate:
<br /> I, Richard Sturch, City Clerk of the City f Batesville, Ark*
<br /> certify that the above is a true and accu °att copy of the
<br /> resolution of the Batesville City Counbil, Batesville ,Ark. ,
<br /> properly passed and recorded in the ':Lecords of the City of
<br /> Batesville ,Ark. on August 23rd , 19x5.
<br /> City SEAL
<br /> i
<br />