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ION' <br /> it is contemplated that <br /> uatssviile Uility GOmiallan <br /> egal of ;tC-.7 <br /> Mnmm iqVlicants io-to ty". <br /> *'Ci <br /> vill construct cert in wast^, -water treatment facilitiesl and it is' <br /> 43o.wpmed neclwasery and proper to apply for a federal grant under the <br /> I- to ilublic Law 660# as arm%deds <br /> ,veOeral ;rater !�ollution Control Ac <br /> IT 5,ESOV,1i;J) by the abow named applicant <br /> that �.tha RoddenS, Chaioog BatgevUlm 1AAXiJX ,QWAssJon <br /> (Nmwo OtW, Title of defoignated representative of <br /> or his sxxcr_*.s-_snr# is here authorized and directed to MORP, appli- <br /> cation fort a grant under Public Law 66fl, as amendeds ru*d to <br /> si�,= the cceDtawwp I of th*, offer# when mades and *ny other necessary <br /> dorwtu^ntr;; reqpirrxl to compleAte, the project an be-half of the above <br /> naMMI <br /> TIT' b (`­;,L-AtO-%1 that the above it itdM. cant <br /> will. <br /> to Ac�uire a fee simple or mmh otluer tstato-- or interest <br /> in tho site of tprof t, including the necessary Pawntents and <br /> ,, <br /> rights-,oiN,vvyi* to assure undisturbed use art6 possessiont and that <br /> in the JrV4�, <br /> '11t :such title* estate# or Interevt in such Site, ea its <br /> or ri Z*y in the future be contested& the abcAm. nmwd Ap- <br /> plic,-At will 6efOW. uuj maintain its title In such site and, hO16 the <br /> Unitne *Antes covernw.nt blaawloss in such actions and that before <br /> any federal pay"nt is rOqQO$tedPursuant to 4 OrOAts the. above nwried <br /> licant will, Prov V.e certification as. t.6 the sufficiency of such <br /> estate or intoreste <br /> 2* jae aft operation and mairitonance manual for tho 'a- <br /> rov <br /> cilities vfttch it>lP_ to the State Water jollution Control <br /> Agency arkC the rnvironmental Protection Aq. 01nCY and vill fulfill the <br /> to nits descrityed the-rr4no <br /> tlip. necpAsary funds vhtich Are estimated to be <br /> approximately ZQjOQgper annwn for the proper operation am.' mairk- <br /> tenance of tkoe facilities* <br /> 4# ,:,r4ploy qualified personnel in accordance with tbp <br /> recoymnend.ations or requirements of the 4-tate water 1,ollution Contro I <br /> ,Aqen(!!y to oM-mte the v*tte water treatment facilities# and will re- <br /> quire its consulting engineer oragent to provide certain on-the-job <br /> training for employ"a during start-up of the facilitieffo <br /> this e-ay or <br /> ISign ature Z;r TiCro' 57 FRMal of GCAMMMO <br /> (SEAL) Sody) <br /> ATTEW& <br /> (�Jgnature of -�ecreta;?. '"CMYO l e <br />