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CRDINANCE NO. -&—/ 6 <br />AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION ONE (1) <br />OF ORDINANCE NO. 650 of 1954 AND ASSIGN - <br />ME DUTIES OF THE CITY COLLECTOR TO TIM <br />OF'F'ICE OF THE CITY CLERK <br />WHEREAS, Section One (1) of Ordinance No. 650 of 1954 crated the <br />Office of City Collector of the City of Batesville and prescribed the <br />duties for such office, and; <br />«REAS, the need for the Office of City Collector of the City of <br />Batesville no longer exists, and; <br />I+'H.MF•AS, the remaining duties, of those prescribed, can feasibly be <br />assigned to the Office of the City Cleric; <br />BE IT THEP-IFORE ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'ITHE CITY OF BATES.. <br />VILLE, ARKANSAS1 <br />1. That Section One (1) of Ordinance No. 650 of 1954 is hereby re- <br />pealed in it's entirety and the remaining duties of those therein pre- <br />scribed for the Office of the City Collector be, and the same are hereby, <br />as-lgnsd to the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Batesville. <br />2. All other Ordinances or parte of Ordinances in conflict with the <br />f;rovisione set forth herein are also hereby repealed. <br />3. It being essential that the above and foregoing Ordinance take <br />Offset immediately in the best interests of the welfare of the City of <br />Batesville, Arkansas, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this <br />Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon and after it's passage. <br />DATED THIS THE DAY OF DECEMBER, 1964. <br />� � <br />Mayor <br />Attest: <br />Clerk <br />