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VW <br />AP' O:cI T...�:.:CE Ar G1 "I:,G BUILD1i:G , ' AC": <br />I! :, <br />L;� .2c CO:'L'I.i C�, <br />WITh <br />- ,. ,. <br />T <br />B?! L_ Ii;t.� LL. ,�,� .��GrL _; �F, �'iS C_; rig: �� I'.;D �: <br />D ._ITLv <br />', t l:',, <br />5A.`. ,5;VJLL '. <br />PLn : IKG Co-,', I IS I01T 11,17 E "'Ii_' CITY CL 1rtY. <br />e ell,)3 <br />_ -r <br />E T �7-� B r m , r n. <br />1 I1 G,�D!',I ID I. , GIl'1 c 0 -. C, TL 0 { _-t_ <br />i.i r <br />CIT 0 <br />Section 1. The purpose of this ordinance is in f rt:_ _ra-ice o!' andto <br />achieve a planned street pattern, a -d to insure ti:c.t�-s will riot <br />be erected too near, or in th;: ,ed of projected streets or potential <br />street wisenings. <br />Section 2. rLis ordinance is in accordance with thy- authority granted <br />under act 186 of the 1957 State Lenillature which establishied ti -e State <br />Law on City Planning. <br />Section.. r�eI' itions; (a) a Setbac'.� Line is that line para_led to tl-e <br />front prorerty line in front of Which no structure shall be built; (b) <br />a Flighway or Street rigLt-of-vmy Line is t' at line wl_ich ins icates the <br />rig ,t -of -way boundary of said_ h.h.way oil street. <br />Section 4. Tr.e Building Line Setback Plan &:c -.lap of date <br />duly certified and filed 1,vith the City Clerk by the- Ball-esville Planning; <br />Coirrission onbe and the same is 1-ereby adopted; <br />and a standard_ setback of-'ortIT (40) 'ect fro._: 1_j -71 -way or stre.t ,°i_g'_t- <br />of-way, is Lereby established. Such Lime set-baclr aap incicates <br />those streets on which tl",e set -backs are stablisl-,ed. <br />Section I_ereafter no builc;in,g -permit shall be issues- to any person, <br />firm or co-poration or other ovmer of land ,-ordering on any street to <br />Construct, erect, reconstruct or alter any builc<i ng c,. oxer to tle r_,gr_t- <br />ol'-way designated by t., -,e set-baclr lines herein established, to>c;etl_er <br />with any air-end-;:eni_s or add -_tions thereto adopted by til e City Council: <br />Section 6 Any person firm or corporation viclating t:e provisions of <br />this ordinance, or who shall fail to comply with any order i�ade there- <br />under, or wl:o s _all continue to wock upon any structure after l-;avinr; re- <br />ceived--Iotice fro.,_ the ac:_Inini strative official to cease work, shall be <br />guilty of a ­isder�ieanor and punishable by a _fine riot to exceed )100.00 <br />for each offense; ar:Ld each r.ay such violation shall be per-,litted to exist <br />-':.all constitute a separate of ,dense. <br />Section -7. This ordinance appea-ging necessary for the pl.._blic health, <br />safety and w, lfa,e, an e ergency is hereby decla, ed to exist; and sane <br />shall be in full force and effect frog:: a ,.d after passage a _c. publication. <br />Passed: / �` �'�"' 1661 <br />1"Ittest �`��1.. ��"�� , City Clerk. Approved <br />