10,974 Regulwions 83 5-21-82 92 9-21-82 Regulations
<br /> by any initial or cci p,;ting applicant under §385.204(e)(2)of this chapter or drawings inc;uoed in a license api:;,cation will be taken in accordance with paragraph kc)
<br /> the Commission specifically denies or stays action on the motion within 15 under§4.32(a)are not to be filed m;tiat,y,but of this section.If the application is found not
<br /> will be requested pursuant to paragraph(c)of to conform,it will be rejected.
<br /> days after the last date for riling motions to intervene prescrined in the public this section. Subsection (g), appearing in 44 F.R.
<br /> notice issued under §4.31(c)(2) of this Chapter for the preliminary pemit Subsection (d), appearing in 44 F.R. 61128 (10/25/79), effective 11/26/79, was
<br /> application, Intervention :n any preiiminary permit proceeding will not 61328 (10/25/79), effective ::/26/79, read amended in 47 F.R. 19014 (5/3/82),
<br /> constitute intervention in any subsequent iicensing'proceeding. as follows until it was a.rnended in 46 F.R. effective 8/25/82,in the forth sentence b;
<br /> ' 9027(1/28/81),effective 2/27/81: removing "§1.4(d)" and adding in lieu
<br /> .01 Subsection (a), 47 FI.. 19.114 (Riay 3, iii) License for a major unconstructed (d) Any application for a preliminarythereof";385.2201".
<br /> 1982);subsection (b) 46 F.R. 9027 (Janjarr project and a major modified project; §§4.44 permit or a license t:at patently fa:s to Subuction (h) newly originated i:: 46
<br /> 28, 1981); subsection (c), 44 F.R. 61328 and 4.41; conform to the requirements of paragraphs(a) F.R. S5243 (11/9/81), effective 10/29/81,
<br /> (October 25 1979); subsection gid), 46 F.R. (iv) License for a major project—exisung and(b)of this section may be rejcctec.,with a and read as follows until it was amended in
<br /> 9627 January 28, 1981); su*clic1s ie) and dam: 4.50and4.51; f' (5/3/92), 8/26/82-
<br /> if'),
<br /> / /
<br /> (f), 44 F.R. 61328 `Ociabe; 25, 1979); su'r §§ speciucauon of deficiencies. An applicant 47 F.R.190f4effective 8 26 E2:
<br /> if'),Osections and h 1'47 F.R. 1,1 Ma 'l iv) License for 4 transmission line only: submrtfing an application that falls in any (h) Any timely petition for intervention.
<br /> (g) O (May §§4.70 and 4,71; respect ,o conform to the requirements of submitted und'er§1.8 of this chapter relating
<br /> 1962)' vi New ficenid for a licensed
<br /> ( ) project: paragraphs(a) and(b)of this section may be to an application for preliminary permit for a
<br /> .05 Historical rewrd.—Section 4,31 origi- §16.6;or afforded additional time to correct the water power project is deemed granted as of
<br /> nand in 39 F.R. 2265 (1/18/74), and was (vii)Nonpower license for a licensed project: deficiencies, not to exceed 45 days from the the date of filing unless the petition is opposed
<br /> amended in 44 F.R.61328(10/25/79),of e;- §16 7 date of the notification in the cat: of"an by any initial or competing applicant under
<br /> tive 11/26/79. r a;iplication for a preliminary permit, or 90 §1.8(e) of this chapter or the Commission
<br /> appearing n 4i F„Z, subsection (a), appearing 1 i1 81 re;,d
<br /> Subse,:tion (a), ppa g SS944 (11/13/81), effective 12/14/81, ret.d days from the late of the notification in the specifically denies or stays action on the
<br /> 61328 (10/25/79), effective 11/26/79, read as follows until it was amended in 47 F.R. case of an application for a :icense. The petition within 15 days after the last date for
<br /> as follows until it was amended in 46 F.R. 19014(5/3/82),affective 8/26/82: deficiencies to be corrected will be specified. filing petitions to intervene prescribed ,n ;he
<br /> 55926(11/13/81'},effective 12/14/81: Deficiencies mus:be corrected by submitting pub'uc aouce issued under §4.31(eX2) of this
<br /> (a) Each a hcation'`'fdr a (a} Each applicaiipp ,for a preti-minary
<br /> pp preliminary permit or a license must: an original and eleven copies of the specified chapter for the preliminary permit-
<br /> permit or a license must: materials to the Secretary for filing w:%ia the application. Intervention in any preliminary
<br /> (I) Conform to the requirements of y .,5, additional dine provided.If the dation is ermit g
<br /> (1) Conform to the requirements of §§1.5, i ,4 1.15, 1.26, and 1.17 of thin chap,er, P application p proceeding will not constitute
<br /> 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, and 1.17 of this chapter, except as otherwise prescribed in th s part;and then found to canform to the requirements of intervention in any subsequent licensing
<br /> except as otherwise prescribed in;inns part;a uiparagraphs(a) and(b)of this section,action proceeding.
<br /> (2)Contain the information and documents ( Contain the information and documents
<br /> prescribed
<br /> ribed in the following sections of ;his - s
<br /> prescribed in the. fo;:owir,g sections of in's chapter,according to the type of application! [fit
<br /> cliapter,according to u,e type of application:
<br /> (i)Preiiminarypermit: §4,87; (,)Preliminary permit:§4.81;. §4.32 Specifications lar maps and drawings.
<br /> GO License for a minor p�o eci:§4.60; d License for a minor water power project to the following 5 cifica-
<br /> and major water power projects 5 megawatts A.l rewired maps and drawings must conform $ pe
<br /> (iii) License for a proposed unconstructed or less:§§4.60 and 4.61; tions,except as otherwise prescribed in this chapter:
<br /> major'projectr§§4.40 and 4.41;
<br /> Qv License for a (iii) License for a major unconproject:
<br /> rucu:d (a) Each original map or drawing must consist of a print on silver or
<br /> majorproject--ezisung project and a major modified project: §§4.40
<br /> dam:§§4.50 and 4.,51; . and 4.41; gelatin 35mm microfilm mounted on Type D (33/4' by 77181) aperture cards.
<br /> (v) License; fqr a transmission lite only: (;v) License for a major project es;sung 3 wo d::.i:cafes .,lust be made of each original. Full-sized prints of maps and
<br /> §4.70 and 4.71; dam:§§4.50 and 4.51; drawings must be on sheets no smaller than 24 by 36 inches and no larger
<br /> NO New license for a'licensed project: (v) License fop a transmission, line only: than 28 by 40 inches. A space five inches high by seven inches wide must be
<br /> §16.6;or §§4.70 and 4.71;
<br /> r provided in the lower right corner of each sheet. The upper half of this space
<br /> (vu)Nonpower license for a licensed project: (vi) New !license for a licensed project:
<br /> q)6,7,. §16.6;or must bear the title, numerical and graphical scale, and other pertinent
<br /> Subsection (a), appearing is 46 F.R. (vii)Nonpower license for a licensed project: information concerning the map or drawing. The lower half of the space must
<br /> 55926 (11/13/81), effective 12/14/81, read §16.7. be felt clear.If the drawing size specified in this paragraph limits the scale of
<br /> as follows antil'it was amended fa 46 F.R.
<br /> 944(11/13/x1),effective 12/14/sl: subsection (b), appearing in 44 F.A. drawings described in paragraph (c) of this section, a smaller scale may be
<br /> 53944
<br /> application for preiim,nary 61328 (10/25/79), effective.;;/26/79, read used for those drawings.
<br /> permit or a license must: as follows until it was amended
<br /> 27/81: n 46 F.R. (b) Each map must have a scale in fuil-sized prints no smaller than one
<br /> (1) Conform to file rc uirc.T.p:.s of 1.5 4027(1/28/x pleffective preliminary
<br /> 1:
<br /> q 3+ (bj Each applicant for a praiimtnnry pe:mu; inch equals 0.5 miles for transmission lines, roads, and similar linear ;entries
<br /> 1:14, 1.15, 1.16, and 1.1? of tail c:apte., or a license must submit to;he Secretary for and no smaller than one loci, equals 1,(100 feet for other project features.
<br /> except as otherwise prescribed`in.:is part;and filing an original and eleven copies of ,he where maps at these scales do not show sufficient detail, larger scale maps
<br /> (2)Co.;a,n the infarmatior,and documents application, each accom;)an,ed Sy fu;:-s,t.d
<br /> prescribed in the followin; Sect:;;,: of this may be required under§4.31(f).Each map must show:
<br /> prints of all required maps and drawings.The
<br /> chapter,according to the type cf application: application may also include reduced p:in�s of (1)True and magnetic meridians;
<br /> ii)Preliminary permit: 54.81; ' ' chaps and drawings confo.min, to §4 32(d,.
<br /> (it)License for a minor projeco§4.60; The originals (microfilm) of maps and (2)State,county,arid town lines;and
<br /> § 14,O:i
<br /> FGd*MLEaft*uQukkl'nr% Energy
<br /> aoo-:►a
<br />