4z 21.32 12 9-21-32 R ulations 0 977
<br /> 30,37�i Regu;ations IN-lisce
<br /> °'�(3) Boundaries o:public lands and reservations of the United ess w.uch utilizes a natural water feature,as defined in §4.1 �(2}.Any
<br /> Ifi U.S.C. 796(1) and (2)], if any. If a public land survey is available, the competing application for preliminary permit for a proposed major project—
<br /> maps must show ail lines of that survey crossing the project area and all existing dam, minor water power project 5 MW or less which utilizes an
<br /> official subdivisions of sections for the public lands and reservations,including existing dain, or water power project 5 MW or less which utilizes a natural
<br /> las and irregular tracts,as designated on the official plats of survey that may water feature must be submitted not later than 30 days after the last date for
<br /> be obtained from the B'Lacau of Land Management, Washington, D.C., or `iling protests and petitions to intervene prescribed in the public notice issued
<br /> examined in the local land ;survey office; to the extent that a public land under§4.31(cX2)of this chapter for the initial application.
<br /> survey is not available for public lands and reservations of the United States, (3) For any single or mutually exclusive project or project site of the type
<br /> the reaps must show the protractions of townships and section lines,which, if of project enumerated in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, an applicant may
<br /> possible, must be those recognized by the Federal agency administering those file not more than one notice of intent to file an exemption application and not
<br /> lards. more than one notice of intent to file a license application.
<br /> (c) Drawings depicting details of project.structures must havea scale in (b) Any notice of intent to submit a competing application for a
<br /> full-sized prints no smaller than: preliminary permit or license that is filed under paragraph(a) of this section
<br /> (1)One inch equals 5D feet fox plans,elevations,and profiles;and or a notice of intent to file an application for exemption from li=sing that is
<br /> (2)One inch equals 10 feet for sections.
<br /> filed under§4.104,must include:
<br /> (d) Each map or c,rawing must be drawn and lettered to be legible when (li :he exact name, business address, and telephone number of the
<br /> it is reduced to a print that is 11 inches on its shorter side. Following prospective applicant;and
<br /> notification to the applicant that the application has been accepted for;iiia,; (2) Aa unequivocal statement of intent to submit a specifted type of
<br /> {see §4.31(c)),:prints reduced to that size ,r,ust be bound in each copy of tate application.
<br /> application which is requires to be submitted to the Commission or provided (c) Any prospective applicant who nas 'filed a notice of intent which
<br /> to any person,agency,or other entity. coa;orms to the regtiir ements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section may
<br /> 01 44 F.R.61323(October 2.i,1479;. 42 F.R. 40190 (8/4/77), and in 44 F.R. ,ubmi, for filing a corr.peung application for a preliminary permit, not later
<br /> .05 Historical record.--Secticn 4.32 orihti- Order 54, 61328 (1OJ25f79), effective than K) c ays, or a con p;x,Ling application fo. a /icenie, not later than 120
<br /> nated in Order 518, 39 F.R. 40942 11/26/79. yy
<br /> (11/22/74),and was amended in Order 570, S da beyond the last date for.ti,e iiiing of protests or petitions to interve e
<br /> prescribed in the public notice of the initial application.
<br /> Lit 12,033
<br /> (d)Any competing application must:
<br /> §4.33 Filing and disposition of conflicting applications. ,
<br /> (i) be ser`-contained and conform to the requirements of paragraphs (a)
<br /> (a) Any citizen, association of citizens, domestic corporation, and ib)of 3.1.31;
<br /> municiomay,or state may submit for fi;ing an application for a preliminary
<br /> permit or license ("cornpeung application") 1or a proposed water power -`= inc'lude a detailed anis compiete statement of how the plans reflected
<br /> pro)ect that would develop, conserve,and utilize,in whole or is part,the same in the compe.iag application are as well adapted or better adapted than are
<br /> water resources that wouid be developed, conserved, and utilized by a the pans ro iected in the initial app:ication to develop, conserve, and utilize
<br /> water ower ro ect for which a preliminary lit or license. in the public interest the water resources of the region.The statement may be
<br /> proposed P P i P ry Per.
<br /> application has already been accepted("initial application"),This section will supported by any technical analysis t..at the competing applicapt deems
<br /> be administered consistent with the provisions of §4.11`i4. governing appropriate to support its proposed pian of development';ant!
<br /> applications for exemoLion from licensing. (3) Include proof of service of a copy of the competing application on the
<br /> (1) Zxcept as provid.:d in subparagraph(2), a competing application,or person designated in the public r.otice of the initial application for service of
<br /> a notice of intent to submit such an application, must be submitted for filing pleadings,documents,or communications concerning the initial application.
<br /> on or More the last fl;irg date for the filing of protests or petitions to (e) No later than 30 days from Lu date of service of a copy of a
<br /> intervene prescribed in the public notice, issued under §1.31(c)(2) for the competing application, the applicant that filed the initial application for the
<br /> initial application. site in question may file a response that:
<br /> (2) A notice of intent w file a competing application for preliminary (1) Rebuffs the competing applicant's statement that it has equally well
<br /> permit' may not be submitted for any proposed major project—existing dam, adapted or better adapted plans;and
<br /> as defined in §4.5(XbX5) o: this chapie.,, any minor water power profect of 5
<br /> MW or 'less, as defiaec in y4.60(bx3) of this chapter, which utilizes an t2) Ptvv:ces a detailed and complete counter-statement of how the plans
<br /> existing darn;or any water bower protect with an installed capacity of 5 MW re1;1ecIed in the initial appl cation are equally well adapted or better adapted
<br /> 112,032 §4.32 Fo&rW Energy Guldelincs �* Ret� r,
<br /> «y cositisgion �4.33 � 12,033
<br /> 002-2a
<br />